Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Monday, 28 April 2008
Just thought the fresh yellow of these Marsh Marigolds were nice and cheery in this miserable rain!
At least the fish don't mind the rain!
This is probably why my hands are not so hot! Too much gardening - even in the drizzle!
Following on from the theme of rising food prices, and me banging on about how we should grow as much of our own veg as possible - Hubby P just happened to mention we could grow salad-y things in window boxes! Well! - not a girl to let the grass grow under her feet - I had to have them - like now!! And I knew he had some ideal wood (salvaged from some old pallets) in the shed, so rain or not we set to.
As you can see we (well - I did a lot of holding screws and pointing! -site supervisor!) managed to make 3 window boxes out of the wood we had. I stained them, Hubby P put them up, and I filled them with compost and sowed them with mixed Salad Leaves, Spring Onions, Rocket, baby Carrots and a few nasturtiums.
We just need a bit of sun now - I am hoping they grow well in the black boxes (they should hold the heat) - it will be a bit like a self serve salad bar!!
Thursday, 24 April 2008

I even got as far as sorting out my pan cupboard - polish Halo!!
And best of all!!!!!!!!! along with all the out of date tins - I found this! Right at the back of a cupboard, a little dusty, but 'the real thing'!
Has anyone else made Bramble Port - it is soooooooooo delicious!
This was dates 2004 - so nice and mature. It tastes like warm slightly spicy juicy blackberries, and warms your tummy in the nicest possible way!
I decanted it (out of the dusty old bottle ) into a more gracious and fitting decanter, we all 'tested' it - just to make sure it was Ok for other people of course! - extensive tests!!
I think it may need further 'testing' this evening!
And roll on autumn so I can make some more, it is the easiest thing to make. Basically pick your Blackberries and layer them with sugar in a bucket, cover loosely, and leave the fruit to ferment. After fermentation ( when it has stopped bubbling and frothing) strain, put fruit mush on compost ( not to chickens - although they like it and its the funniest thing - a drunk chicken! But seriously, not a nice thing to do.) Bottle the juice and leave to mature for a few weeks/years! The longer the better.
It is like a heavy sweet sherry/but blackberry-ish!
Ta Ta for now xxx
Monday, 21 April 2008
Just a little pic of the vegetable beds, I think it looks so pretty with the big/tall spires of yellow flowers - its the 'pac choi' gone to flower - and I suppose seed is on its way! Not I suppose very correct - gardening wise! But it looks pretty and we are still eating the leaves.
Not to be out done by Lucy Locket - she has been posting pics of her Allotment soil - Very sexy soil, but soil all the same - so here is some of mine!!
Admittedly its in tubs, but hopefully it will grow wonderful vegetables in the tubs - potatoes, peas, broad beans and lots of other goodies!
Ooops got the photos and text
a bit mixed up - but you get the gist of it!
Ta Ta for now xx
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
A more unusual find that some of you Paper craft people might be interested in! I think it dates from the1950/60s from the packaging. I know its only crepe paper but the vintage-y feel and look of the packaging appealed to me. I bought the whole lot! - what I will do with all of it I don't quite know! But its pretty - maybe try some on Ebay, share it around a bit. Unfortunately there were only two colours, a blue (Sapphire) and a nice green, but the colours are as bright and fresh as ever.
On the back of the packaging it 'talks' of making blinds for windows using wire, and decorating shelves and dressing windows, and of course making wonderful Christmas decorations!
Another time - another era!
I just couldn't resist this - Hubby just raised his eyebrows! (cant turn the picture round - sorry)
Remember when you were a child, and it rained - all those little old ladies getting out their plastic concertinaed little rain hoods! They all had them, tucked away in their handbags - must protect the perm!
I bought two of these - so I could share one, there must be someone out there, who like me gets excited about this sort of thing! I have mine on display - just brings fond memories I suppose.
It amazes me that something like these rain hoods were so 'everyday' and taken for granted, yet now very rarely seen.
I know - I know I am very Sad!!
Back to the crafty side of things - just finishing another Toadstool fantasy, this is a Little pillow/pincushion. I think I am getting the Toadstool thing out of my system - ready to move on to something a bit different.
This will probably end up on Etsy, or in the 'Present Box'- how many other people have such a thing as a Emergency Present Box?
I had a nice visit yesterday to a new shop in a local village - it opened up a whole new world to me! The shop is called Patchwork Island ( and a nice lady - Lynne, stocks all this nice ( different for me anyway) 'Primitive' ware. I think she mostly imports it from America, I would think some of you know all about it - a lot of it is Patchwork type things - but it was a refreshing change for me to druel over different crafty things.
Anyway - talking to Lynne, as you do about crafting and whatnot, she suggested I make up some bags - in this Primitive style, so I thought I would give it a go.
I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas on this - anyone who collects this sort of thing!
This is what I have started - its Sheep and Willow ( some of the typical designs used). I will keep you posted on this, lets hope its not a total disaster!
Take a look at the shops web site - she has some nice things!
Ta Ta for now! Back out to the sunshine!
Friday, 11 April 2008
Thursday, 10 April 2008

I found this little Darling abandoned in am old rusting 'Quality Street' tin, at the Car Boot Sale ~ just had to bring her home.
She must be quite old, but in remarkably good condition. She has a china head, and her arms are pipe cleaners holding a bell (it even rings!) and a little stick to chime the bell.
I know she is supposed to be Christmassy ~ but I will keep her around for a bit and giving her a bit of Loving!
I think she is so pretty! I wonder how old she is? anyone got anything similar, or know about dating things like this?
Monday, 7 April 2008
Just to say Hello!
A different one - this is me trying all different backgrounds in the vain hope of producing a photo that looks somewhat reasonable.
This is getting a bit silly - me trying to get a photo of me with another brooch pinned on my hat!
I've given up for now! I will try another day - I have a garden awaiting me!
Friday, 4 April 2008
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
I have been tagged by the lovely April ~ Cake makes the World a better ~

This is just a little 'find' I uncovered at the weekend. Not a very good photo I'm afraid - the camera flash reflected off the black silk. It is an adorable little purse 20's I think, black pleated silk with a diamante clasp, it still has its original bevel edged mirror inside. I thought I would keep my vintage earrings in it - on display so I can look at it everyday - is that sad?