Hope you are all having a nice weekend.
Just thought I would share this little bit of girly, sparkly stuff with you!
You all must have gathered by now that I like the odd crystal, and indeed - I have a rather nice collection of Amethyst many thanks to hubby P who does spoil me somewhat. It must be said we do have a very nice 'rock shop' near by which is a delight to visit - but I digress - today's business - tiny 'raindrop' crystals.
I do have a variety of crystals hanging in the window - very pretty when they catch the light. Some are from vintage chandeliers, some modern 'new age-y' sorts, many were given to me as gifts, all are special to me.
This new idea of finding little crystals to adorn old lace was inspired by a photo - I can't remember if I saw it on someones blog, or in a magazine - but it looked so pretty!
So today when I saw a stall at the carboot selling crystals - the lady had bought some old shop stock a couple of years ago, and was now trying to clear some of it - lots of lovely things.
Anyway when I said what I was looking for she scrabbled in an old tin - and right at the bottom was these tiny raindrop-y crystals - just the thing!
( Just another pic of the window crystals and a amethyst geode - bit better light!)

This is what is fondly known as 'the shelf of dead folk!' - sounds a bit harsh, but its lovingly treasured, it has photos of our forebears - wayback, and not so far back - people we love and miss - so its special.
You can just see my Parents wedding photograph (to the left) - both of who are no longer with us, and to the right - slightly hidden is a photo of my Grandparents wedding.
This is what is fondly known as 'the shelf of dead folk!' - sounds a bit harsh, but its lovingly treasured, it has photos of our forebears - wayback, and not so far back - people we love and miss - so its special.
The shelf has a white, lace edged cloth (just don't look at the dust!) - and I thought it would look nice - 'a la picture' from the blog/magazine - with the little crystals attached.
So that was the evenings little job - nicely, gently creative with Billy Holiday on the record player and glass of wine to refresh me.
You can just see my Parents wedding photograph (to the left) - both of who are no longer with us, and to the right - slightly hidden is a photo of my Grandparents wedding.
The little pic of the child sat on the step - in a dress, is my Father. When he was young it was commonplace to dress 'toddlers' all the same, in dresses - how things do change! When you think of all the designer clothes we now have, even for newborns.
I am quite pleased with the look of it, of course I haven't seen the effect in daylight yet - hopefully they will catch the sunlight and give us a bit of sparkle!
A Girl needs a bit of sparkle now and then!
xx Take care xx