Hi - here's me just catching up!
Where do the days go - or weeks for that matter!
First of all a Big, Big Thankyou to my good bloggy friend Twiggypeasticks for not just one but two Awards!( theworldoftwiggypeasticks.blogspot.com/)
What must I have done to deserve this!
This lovely Sunshine Award - such a boost of sunshiny colour on a grey February day.
I know I am supposed to pass this on, so I will pass it on to all of you that feel in need of a boost of nice warm sunshine - so that's everyone then?
And the second Award is this rather special Circle of Friends Award - how nice is that.

So to accept this award - which I do with much grace, I must list five things I enjoy doing, and pass it on to five other people. So here goes -
Things I like to do *****
* Sew, sew, sew, create, make things, generally mess about with bits of fabric, ribbon and the odd button or two!
*Play in my garden, grow pretty colourful flowers and encourage wildlife to share our little haven with us.
*Spend the weekends musing around the carboot sales with my Hubby P - he's my best friend, and one of the few who can see 'potential' in some of my dodgy, shabby finds!
*Spend time with my boys - the most special gift I have ever been blessed with.
* Sit of an evening and listen to our old records, glass of wine in hand!
And I would like to pass this on to -
Ramblings From an Artist on Anglesey (angleseyartsandcrafts.blogspot.com/)
Serenity, Serendipity and Stitches (serenityserendipityandstitches.blogspot.com/)
Gigibird (gigibird.blogspot.com)
The Balancing Kiwi (thebalancingkiwi.blogspot.com/)
Anna The Hat Junkie (hatjunkie.blogspot.com/)
So there you go - do take a peek at these lovely ladies blogs - its nice to visit new and interesting people.
And what of treasure hunting - well, we managed to fit in two carboot sales today. Not that I found a great deal, lots of nice things, but I am trying to be careful with my pennies, liked everyone else I should think.
I did get these rather lovely old glass jars, they have Easiwork pressed into their metal screw tops, and the most delightful little indentation where the label should be stuck - cute.
I had thought I would use them to house my sewing stuff - I do have , as you know, one or two buttons.
But once I had washed them, I decided they simply must be sweetie jars! Not that as a rule I buy sweets, but for some reason - right when we were at the till in the supermarket - I picked up a bag of sweets. Hubby P looked twice - I never buy sweets - but I just fancied a sweetie!
They look jolly in the little jar - and nice to have in for when the younger people visit - as a treat. I want to get some lollies next for the other jar - when I was a small child my Gran use to have a sweetie jar and there were always lollipops!
When we got home at lunchtime we were so relieved to see that Charlie Cat had spent the entire morning guarding the fireplace! No one was going to get past him! lol!

The afternoon saw us dashing off to pick up some free wood from a building site - I go as 'overseer' - useless at lifting/carrying anything, but great at giving instruction, and 'constructive' comments - not that Hubby P can always appreciate my skills!
I did pick up some very pretty primulas and polyanthus - they looked so bright and cheerful, and for a tray of 4 only £1! who could resist.
They are not all for me, a friend asked me to get some to brighten their garden too.
The afternoon saw us dashing off to pick up some free wood from a building site - I go as 'overseer' - useless at lifting/carrying anything, but great at giving instruction, and 'constructive' comments - not that Hubby P can always appreciate my skills!
So when we got back Hubby P set to sawing his wood whilst I faffed about with my pretty flowers - dotting them about the front path, to make it a bit more cheery.
I have a few pairs of old work boots, Hubby P's and the lads - Will is a tree surgeon, so his old work boots are huge heavy leather things, and they make interesting artistic features hidden amongst the plants in the garden.
So this pair had a makeover with a couple of jolly plants.