Just had a bit of a play outside today with the camera - its so unusual for us to get any snow here, I thought I should capture the moment!
So here's a few pic's for you.
I don't really like the cold wet stuff, I had plenty of it as a child, but even I have to admit that when it first lays - it is quite sparkly and magical!
Front of our little cottage, even the lane looks white - not much traffic today!
Remember the little fir tree I replanted - it looks as though its been dusted with icing sugar!
And the magical 'Fairy Princess' chair in the garden!
No need to water today!
Just look at the fresh green underneath all that chilly snow!

The last of summer!

I liked the colours of the bark against the white, white backdrop of the world.

Uncas - a happy dog usually, he's part Husky (but I don't think anyone has ever told him!) - not too keen to go out in the cold stuff!
And the chickens! doing sterling work - still laying, only two eggs today, but a wonderful treat. I thought the cold and dark would have knocked them off laying. Mind you they are snug and warm in their little hut. What with hot mash for lunch, grain, layers pellets, fresh veggies and the odd bit of Chinese food to tempt them they have a cushy life! They looked at me in disgust yesterday - their drinking water had frozen over, so they had to have fresh, slightly warmed water to refresh them! 
I keep it in this old tin (so it doesn't go damp) - I put 3-4 tablespoons in the powder section of the washer, I use cheapo laundry conditioner, just to give the clothes that extra nice smell really. Just a drop - half a cap full of the conditioner, and wash at a lowish temperature for colours - 40 degrees, and it works just fine.
Whites I do wash at a higher temp, but colours - we we don't really get clothes that 'dirty' do we - its not like we work down the pit! Its more just freshening them and getting the odd baked bean juice out of the t shirt!
The last of summer!
I liked the colours of the bark against the white, white backdrop of the world.
Uncas - a happy dog usually, he's part Husky (but I don't think anyone has ever told him!) - not too keen to go out in the cold stuff!
They are all tucked up in their little hut now, I can see them through their window looking out at the white world - I wonder what they are thinking!
Thrifty Snippets!
Washing Soda - wonderful cleaning power!
I have been using Washing Soda in my washing machine for a few months now, it works just as well a all the fancy laundry detergents, at a fraction of the price - 48p a bag I think I paid for the last bag.
I keep it in this old tin (so it doesn't go damp) - I put 3-4 tablespoons in the powder section of the washer, I use cheapo laundry conditioner, just to give the clothes that extra nice smell really. Just a drop - half a cap full of the conditioner, and wash at a lowish temperature for colours - 40 degrees, and it works just fine.
Whites I do wash at a higher temp, but colours - we we don't really get clothes that 'dirty' do we - its not like we work down the pit! Its more just freshening them and getting the odd baked bean juice out of the t shirt!
Well if it was good enough for our Grandmothers - an all that!
And the washing soda is is inexpensive - give it a go, you've nothing to lose, just buy the odd bag. I think even Tesco sell it, not that I use tecsco much, Wilkinsons sell it too, and most hardwear-y kinds of shops - Stermat is our local.
It can be used for all kinds of cleaning, I use it for just about everything - there will be loads of advice on the net - just Google it!
xx That's it for now -stay safe in this icy wet stuff! xx