Everyone ready for the weekend? Gooood!
Nice parcels in the Post this morning - a parcel - always cheers a Girl up!
New Earrings! I treated myself - well - because 'I'm Worth It' or so the advertisements tell us!
Anyway these were special earrings made by women in the Philippines from recycled magazines - how cool is that! and they are so pretty!
I was browsing on the www.myzerowaste.com/ website when I came across this blog about an organisation founded by two British women, which aims to help (educate, health, feed etc) the little children in the Philippines that work on/in the rubbish tips looking for recyclable stuff - metals, plastics etc.
The organisation/charity - The Philippine Community Fund www.p-c-f.org - very basically (visit the site and read for yourselves) trains the mothers to sew and create wonderful bags and jewelry and allsorts really, from the recycled stuff. This in turn means they can afford to feed themselves, and their children don't have to work on the tip, and can go to school.
There are lots of lovely things for sale, and I thought it fits right in with my idea of buying this year - for Birthdays, Christmas and whatnot - all handmade/ethical goods or making them myself.
And of course I am helping support their very good work.
Not only do they train the young mothers, they are building a school - from old steel lorry containers - its amazing! And they help out with food parcels, and school meals - a lot of the children are malnourished, and provide health care.
And the prices! so very reasonable - it means I bought a few things, all squirreled away in the present box!
The bags look quite trendy too, I do believe they are made from toothpaste tubes!
Nothing it seems is wasted - on the back of the newsletter they are asking for people to collect toothpaste tubes, and drinks can ring pulls - who would have thought you could do anything with an old toothpaste tube!
On a different note - been a lovely day here - sunshiny and quite mild. Mild enough for me to have all the windows open wide to let some fresh air into the place, chase away those wintry vibes!
On a different note - been a lovely day here - sunshiny and quite mild. Mild enough for me to have all the windows open wide to let some fresh air into the place, chase away those wintry vibes!
Backwards and forwards to the chickens I spotted this lovely bit of green moss growing on the Elder tree so jewel like in its freshness.
And the snowdrops - happily bobbing about in the light breeze!

And of course our resident Celebrity happily bustling about, Hubby P thinks he is getting use to the camera - quite media savvy now!
And of course our resident Celebrity happily bustling about, Hubby P thinks he is getting use to the camera - quite media savvy now!
He wants to watch out - Charlie cat will give him 'savvy' if he catches him!
I've been so very lucky and recieved a couple of Awards - I will save them for another day - I've waffled on long enough for now!
xxx Take care xxx