Hello there! Hope you all had a nice 'scary' sort of weekend!!
My shower curtain was 'borrowed' by my Niece's to help dress the house for Halloween - I don't think I want it back! We all had a nice time at the 'Scary party' - lots of 'blood' to drink and chopped off fingers in the salted peanuts!!
And on to Treasure Hunting !!
A wet and windy weekend - but we braved the weather - and how lucky was I!

I found heaps and heaps of Vintage Wrapping paper! And at an obscenely thrifty price - such a buy I can't tell you. I think the lady was just glad to 'move it on'. You know what they say about 'One Mans Rubbish .....!

Its Ohhh so cute! Just feeling it - its a lot thinner than the sort produced today, and the colours are more muted, it brought so many memories of happy childhood Christmas time.

I feel myself so fortunate to have and to hold these treasures of my - or should I say our childhood days, so I would like to share some with you. 
Its nice to get out that special Christmassey fabric from your stash, and play about with buttons (of which I have a few!) and trims!
I found heaps and heaps of Vintage Wrapping paper! And at an obscenely thrifty price - such a buy I can't tell you. I think the lady was just glad to 'move it on'. You know what they say about 'One Mans Rubbish .....!
Its Ohhh so cute! Just feeling it - its a lot thinner than the sort produced today, and the colours are more muted, it brought so many memories of happy childhood Christmas time.
I feel myself so fortunate to have and to hold these treasures of my - or should I say our childhood days, so I would like to share some with you.
We'll have another giveaway - leave me a comment about a your Christmas as a child, and next Monday I will put names in a hat (or something!) - and who ever wins can have a little pack of Vintagey Christmas Paper! Hows that? You up for that?
I've so much I have put some on Ebay - I hope to get some pennies back, and funds will help buy bits to fill the childrens stockings - ready to send to Father Christmas of course!
Every Christmas I try and make a little something for the younger members of the family, just a little keepsake, a bit of Christmassay nonsense to hang on the tree, or put in the stocking.
With the C season on the horizon I thought I should make a start.
I saw something like these little Rudolph type creatures in an expensive homeware shop, I couldn't afford their prices so I came home and put together something similar.
Its nice to get out that special Christmassey fabric from your stash, and play about with buttons (of which I have a few!) and trims!
The 'Dolphs' are really just a squishy soft toy, not too big, nice for little hands to cuddle! They are full of mischief - you can see it in their eyes!!

This one escaped ~ here he is playing hide and seek amongst my Amethyst geodes!!
This one escaped ~ here he is playing hide and seek amongst my Amethyst geodes!!
Lets hope the little ones enjoy them as much as I have making them! What is it about making/crafting/sewing ~ if you don't do it, how can you describe the buzz you get to someone who is not at all crafty! ~ Funny thing life! People! ~ good job we are not all the same, life would be boring!
Got to go ~ got to go and do ironing ~ I know! Ironing! Yukkkkk !
xx Bye for now! xx Take care! xx