Hello there, hope you all had a nice weekend, we had a great time visiting family in Lancashire, and mooching around old haunts!
Nice as it was though its still nice to be home, its the garden I miss the most, and it seems to have gone mad whilst we were away just those few days, its absolutely blooming!
The first thing I did on getting home was have a wander around the garden and pick a few flowers for the house, just re-bonding, re-affirming myself with my bit of Eden!
Please do notice the new oil cloth table covering - its a first! That is, the first time Hubby P has ever shown any real interest in 'Home Furnishings'. Our Son's who live near Manchester took us - well me really - to a Home Furnishing & fabric Mill - Hubby P usually hates these places and spends most of the time - it must be said, Patiently waiting - outside!
What a wonderful place - of course I wanted 'Lots and lots' of the fabric but restrained myself to one length of gingham for a top - very Oklahoma, Annie Get Your Gun!!
It was then that Hubby P pointed out the oil cloth and said it would look good at home, and make him feel like he was in an old fashioned cafe' - don't know about that bit (wanting the home to look like a cafe??!) - but anyway we were all so surprised at the new found interest we bought it for him - and now Hubby P can play cafe's!
We had mooch around Bury Market, it doesn't change - it felt a bit like stepping back in time. The Local Council have invested a lot of money in promoting the market and kept it in the centre of the town - where its always been - and it was thriving. You can buy anything, and everything there - there was a great hat stall - but I resisted!
We did have some traditional Black Pudding - hot from the stall with lashings of mustard - it was really nice - I chose a lean one - not to much fat in it. Traditionally they had great chunks of fat in the puddings - to keep the mill workers energy up I suppose!
We did have some traditional Black Pudding - hot from the stall with lashings of mustard - it was really nice - I chose a lean one - not to much fat in it. Traditionally they had great chunks of fat in the puddings - to keep the mill workers energy up I suppose!
Of course the highlight of the weekend was spending time with our Granddaughters. Hubby P - or Grandad P as he is to them, came in for a lot of rough and tumble! His braces were a huge delight!
We had a nice day out at a little place called Edisford Bridge, near Clitheroe. The bridge runs over the River Ribble, its a great place to play in the water, and there is a childrens play area and whatnot.
We had a nice day out at a little place called Edisford Bridge, near Clitheroe. The bridge runs over the River Ribble, its a great place to play in the water, and there is a childrens play area and whatnot.
I remember coming here as a child to play in the fresh clean water. I will always remember my Dad lost a sock - just the one - we couldn't find it, must have gone down the river. Its funny the little memories that you have stashed away!

There was a little steam railway too, and of course Grandad had to take the Girls for a ride!

Children and water! what is it about the cool splashy stuff - they just love it!
On the thrifting front - we went to Clitheroe carboot sale. It was a reasonably big one, and made a nice change. We found prices generally to be higher than at home, but I found a box of lace that I managed to barter down to a more reasonable price.

Here is a selection, drying in the sun - there is quite a lot so I am only half way through washing and ironing it - I find ironing so boring!
There was a little steam railway too, and of course Grandad had to take the Girls for a ride!
Children and water! what is it about the cool splashy stuff - they just love it!
On the thrifting front - we went to Clitheroe carboot sale. It was a reasonably big one, and made a nice change. We found prices generally to be higher than at home, but I found a box of lace that I managed to barter down to a more reasonable price.
Here is a selection, drying in the sun - there is quite a lot so I am only half way through washing and ironing it - I find ironing so boring!
Of course I've no idea what I will do with it yet, although the little girls wanted some more Fairy dolls' so some will be used for that. I'll stash some and sell some on ebay probably.