Here we are again! It seems ages since I last 'Posted', its all been a hectic round of family doings over the Bank Holiday.
We had Family to visit - if 'visit' is the right word - after all family is family, and home is home, family is inseparable from home - if you know what I mean. You don't 'visit' your own home - anyway it was nice to see them and we all squashed in our little cottage, a bit sardine-ish, but we had fun!
We did all the Tourist-y things, the weather was great, we had a nice leisurely time.
This is the obligatory photo of us - Mr & Mrs Allsorts! Me grimacing behind the darkest sunglasses I could find (I had a nagging Migraine) - Gosh! I thought when I saw this, I look just like my Grandmother - how time creeps up on you!
This is where we were heading, we went for a walk to a little ancient church underneath the Menai Suspension Bridge.

We even found a little magical stone circle, Anglesey is full of these sorts of things, it was the last refuge of the Druids - lots of Spiritual Places, and we still have a living breathing Druid culture on
the island.

A little trip into Beaumaris later, in search of Tea and Cakes!
Such a pretty little town, I love the candy coloured row of houses as you enter the town.

And of course! no trip would be complete without visiting the Traditional Sweetie Shop!
I am too embarrassed to tell you how much I spent on sweets!

Lots and Lots of Carboot Sales on over the weekend. Lots of goodies for the buying. I thought I would show you one or two additions to my sewing area - so exciting!
Hubby P bought me this for my Birthday (its a few weeks off yet, but I so fell in love with this!).
Its a lovely old little chest we think probably 1940/50s - specially made to hold ( and Yes it is FULL!) sewing notions - lots and lots of old cottons, needles of every kind, buttons, beeswax,tracing wheels, all manner of goodies!
And this - well - this is an old cashiers draw, the sort that use to be fixed under a shop counter.
I just loved it, it even has little areas worn away where fingers have scrabbled for money over the years.
The felt bottoms of the compartments had been worn away, so I replaced it with some pretty, colourful felt!
I shall use it as a little tray, to hold all my sewing bits and pieces.
Just a few pics of the garden - I couldn't resist this fresh pretty delicate green of this Horse Chestnut tree, my son Will planted the seed a couple of years ago - so its known as Wills tree!
I have a thing about trees too - lots of little baby trees in pots, I just need someone to leave me some land in their Will, and I can plant my own woodland!
Another of my babies - a little Oak tree just bursting into leaf, this was again grown from an Acorn.
At one time Anglesey was covered in great Forest's of Oak - it was the tree of the Druids, a magical, special tree!
Just an update on the salad window boxes - the seed are up already! It wont be long until we can pick and eat.
Lots more exciting news - I have won Jennies ( Falling Down the Rabbit Hole) PIF, I cant believe my luck, and I am partnered with a nice lady in USA for the Summer Inspirational Swap - but more of all that later!!!
Ta Ta for now xxx