I picked the winners of the 'Pay It Forward' out of a hat on Wednesday ~ sorry I'm a a bit late posting the winners, I am just having a bit of trouble with my hands ( an on going problem that comes and goes - more a nuisance than anything, makes typing, sewing and whatnot difficult -boring!), anyway I'm here now :-----

Winners are:-
Twiggy at ~ The World Of Twiggypeasticks.Blogspot.com/
Lucy at ~ Lucy Locket Recycled Her Pocket.Blogspot.com/
April at ~ Cake Makes The World A Better Place.Blogspot.Com/
If you would like to Email me your address I can send off your little goodies!
~ A New Member of the Household ~
I found this little Darling abandoned in am old rusting 'Quality Street' tin, at the Car Boot Sale ~ just had to bring her home.
She must be quite old, but in remarkably good condition. She has a china head, and her arms are pipe cleaners holding a bell (it even rings!) and a little stick to chime the bell.
I know she is supposed to be Christmassy ~ but I will keep her around for a bit and giving her a bit of Loving!
I think she is so pretty! I wonder how old she is? anyone got anything similar, or know about dating things like this?