Monday, 20 April 2009

Weekend Goodies!

Just a little Hello, and a few Pic's of goodies found at the car boot this Weekend.
Marsh Marigolds amaze me every year, they are just so gloriously bright and cheerful! Just look at this one, shining her little socks off in my pond!

Highlight of the weekend finds just has to be this 1930/40's little lampshade. It was awfully dirty when I bought it (for £1!) - and I thought maybe it would fall to bits when I washed it, but its come up beautifully! Just need to find a nice base for it now.
The little pots of Aquilegia were just £1.20 each - how could I leave them! I have only the blue - rather common one in the garden at the moment, so these white and pink will make a nice addition.

Just 'ANOTHER' (as Hubby P said) bag - but I haven't got a 'just Black' Vintage bag - and it was all of 50p - how could a Girl walk away without it! This again was very dirty, but for 50p you can afford to take a chance, and Yes it came up a treat! Another pretty scarf too - I didn't show him that (and it was more than £1!!!)

We spent Saturday clearing the ground in front of the Summer house (bigger job than it sounds!) and on Sunday after the Car Boot ( we had a stall and made LOADS of money - lots of nice friendly people, buying lots!) - of course we has spare cash, so we bought some bags of chipped slate to put down on the path up to the Summer House and in front of it. It looks really well, the Lads (Hubby P and Rich) worked really hard - Bless' em!

Hopefully, fingers crossed xxx I have persuaded Hubby P to build a wooden framework over the area in front of the Summer House, so that I can train roses up it and have a kind of Rose Bower - if that's the right word for it. Some where shady and sweet scented to sit and ponder the world! I have suggested it might be for my Birthday - in June - no pressure of course!!
Have a nice week, I'm off to plant my Aquilegias! xx