Just really a little quick post, just to show you I have Not Just Sat And 'Played Around' Reading Blogs All Day' - as was inferred by nameless persons - shall we say' of this family!
Although this cold weather - with a nice roaring fire - its very tempting!
No indeed-y I have been very industrious today - thinking in a Thrifty manner - of keeping warm.
But before all that - just look what Hubby P brought home for me today! A real delight - one more reason to keep the post short - then I can get stuck into Country Living
and the wonderful fantasy world they try to sell - can anyone ever afford to buy the stuff they write about?
Still we can dream!
I bet people with Country Living lives wont be messing about with old blankets and hotwater bottles!
Anyway - here's todays Thrifty Snippet!
During one foray to the carboot sale I managed to get a (new) hotwater bottle £1, and a childs fleece blanket 20p.
We do use a lot of hotwater bottles in this house - I am almost always to be found sat with a nice warm bottle at my dodgy back. So the more the merrier!
So I cut a rough pattern around the bottle (actually it was a pattern I cut a while ago) and cut the pieces out of the blanket - I've done it double thickness because the fleece is quite thin.
I had to sew the two edges of the 'opening' edges together because I using the fabric doubled up - otherwise - if single I would just hem them.
I always use my trusty 'treadle' sewing machine - no electriciyt used - Thrifty or what!
Mind you lots used in much making of cups of 'inspirational' tea!
Next pin the pieces together - remember you are going to turn the whole thing through, so get the opening bits in the right order.

Sew around the outside of the whole thing, and trim the edges.

Turn through and pop your bottle in!

The blue lent itself to our household quite nicely, there being a few - well all men apart from me, and you know what they are like - I think 'pink and frilly' can work in a lot of ways! - but they have a bit of a problem with it!

Here's a nice pink one I made earlier from an old bedspread, I mostly use this one - well its pink isn't it!
Not to be too hard on Hubby P - he does seek out nice things for me in his lunch hour. So I thought I would treat him to one of there for his tea.

I have just descovered where to buy them here on Anglesey, we hadn't had a pudding for years. These little puddings were a staple in the Fish and Chip shops of Lancashire when I was a girl. We even lived near the factory that made them, and I grew up with the smell of the cooking pies and puddings emenating from a big chimney with 'Hollands' written all the was up/or down it!
Sew around the outside of the whole thing, and trim the edges.
Turn through and pop your bottle in!
The blue lent itself to our household quite nicely, there being a few - well all men apart from me, and you know what they are like - I think 'pink and frilly' can work in a lot of ways! - but they have a bit of a problem with it!
Here's a nice pink one I made earlier from an old bedspread, I mostly use this one - well its pink isn't it!
Not to be too hard on Hubby P - he does seek out nice things for me in his lunch hour. So I thought I would treat him to one of there for his tea.
I have just descovered where to buy them here on Anglesey, we hadn't had a pudding for years. These little puddings were a staple in the Fish and Chip shops of Lancashire when I was a girl. We even lived near the factory that made them, and I grew up with the smell of the cooking pies and puddings emenating from a big chimney with 'Hollands' written all the was up/or down it!
I believe a German company owns it now - as with so many places it has had to go abroad for he funding to continue, and yet it seemed to be doing so well, everyone ate Hollands pies, it employed a lot of the town, even had special 'Traditional' type vans sign painted with their well known name and logo - its a strange old world!
Still - we enjoyed the puddings for tea!
xx That's all for now - Country Living awaits! xx