Bright Blessings....... the year is turning....what will this new sun bring?
Just look at the lovely pink glow of the sky... this was taken about 3.30pm... just as the sun was setting on the shortest day.
This is the view from my doorstep.... the 'tower' is an old windmill, now home to bats and owls...and the odd pig!
What have you been doing today?
Its been too cold to venture very baking seemed a good warming occupation.
Pies for tea.
And Gingerbread biscuits.... I haven't got any 'shape' cutters, Gingerbread men and the like... I fancied a Christmas tree shape.... must lookout for some. One will turn up at the car boot sale ... everything you could possibly need turns up eventually.
A little more Yummy Treacle toffee.... for gifts.
This afternoon a surprise bunch of the most glorious Holly from a friend... I've never seen so many berries!
I wired it up into swags and pinned up above the beam with my lemons.