Just a quickie - as they say!
Not a great deal to report this week - well not in a 'find's' kinda way.
My garden is all upside down with this strange weather - my Three Cornered Leeks, which give me such a lift in spring with their early fresh white flowers, have decided it must be spring, and are merrily 'making a show' amongst my little Oak trees!
Mind you! the whole house seems upside down with the news that Hubby P's job is a bit wobbly again, he is just hanging on in there - its a bit week to week. Like a lot of people I imagine - this Recession thing doesn't seem to be getting any better.
I just thought I would share with you my newly acquired skill - I've mastered the art of buying music from itunes and downloading it to my ipod shuffle - just love this little sexy pink bit of kit!
What fun I had browsing the music - a girl could spend a fortune (and waste a whole day!) just sat singing along to all the ol' tunes!
I was very choosy - mindful that we may not have a wage commin in soon!
But an afternoon spent with Tom Jones (200lbs Of Heavenly Joy! -its enough to make a girl swoon!!) The Drifters, Mary Black, Dr Hook etc etc has cheered me no end! Everyone is on itunes it seems!! I can see many a visit coming up!
Not a lot at the carboot - a little junky table - for pennies, I thought I could do it up a bit!
Not that I am short of things to do - why is it we can't pass up a bargain.

A couple of nice hats - a girl has to have one or two hats for the winter - or seven or eight or more ? in my case. I know - its gettin a bit out of hand!

I thought this one with the brim was a bit Beatles era - kinda looking! Have you seen all the coverage on the Tv about the Beatles - I just love it all - just to look at the fashions.
Not that I am short of things to do - why is it we can't pass up a bargain.
A couple of nice hats - a girl has to have one or two hats for the winter - or seven or eight or more ? in my case. I know - its gettin a bit out of hand!
I thought this one with the brim was a bit Beatles era - kinda looking! Have you seen all the coverage on the Tv about the Beatles - I just love it all - just to look at the fashions.
This one is a bit small on me - it may end up on ebay - after all we may need the extra cash!

But I do like this pink one - you know how I like pink - got myself some hot pink leggings too! It should brighten up the dreary days of winter!
But I do like this pink one - you know how I like pink - got myself some hot pink leggings too! It should brighten up the dreary days of winter!
Tea time now - Hubby P is gnashing at the bit.
xx Take care till next time xx