These delightful little flowers always cheer my garden at this time of year, they come as the
Daffs are fading, but before the Forget-me-nots and Tulips!
They are Welsh Three Cornered Leeks - initially I had them in my herb garden, but as with the
way of things, they have spread throughout the garden!
As you can see they are a very fresh pretty white bell shape, bit like a Bluebell. They can be used as are chives, but they have a more Leek-y taste, just a few in a salad is nice.
As you can see they they don't grow very tall - ideal as a edging to herb beds and whatnot. They grow like wildfire, from the smallest cutting - they come from small bulbs.
If anyone would like a little slip/cutting (a little bit of Wales) just email me with your address and I will put you a slip in the post - they should travel ok.
I do like to have a bit of the unusual in my garden ~ a challenge to see if it will grow!
I thought I would introduce you to Clara (Clara Bow), I made her from an old dressmakers
dummy, binding her with old cotton sheeting, and covering her with scraps of vintage fabric.
I wanted a 'proper' display dummy - but just hadn't the money for the ones I liked, so in good
old Blue Peter style! - I made my own!
She even has a Vintage Fur stole to keep her warm - the Fur was my Mothers (when it was PC to have such things) I remember when I was very young, my Godfather bringing this Fur from New York! I remember thinking it was a wonderful thing - that he must be very rich!
Of course Mother had little opportunity to wear it ( her not being a fashionable starlet! - just an ordinary hardworking Mother of three!) so it stayed wrapped up in the back of the cupboard!
At least now it gets an airing, and looks the part along with my other treasures!
This little vintage outfit I found on Sunday - Its What? Flower power meets Gypsy? I thought it very pretty - very tiny size 10 ( I should think I could just about get one leg in it!). Hopefully it will delight someone and find a new home.
It upsets me to think a lot of the Carbooters - especially the House clearance people just put what has not sold in the rubbish skip! Needless to say this is why I end up with so much stuff!
This is a pretty enough Apron, but what interested me was its larger size! Being bigger I am always on the lookout for larger things - just because we are bigger doesn't mean we don't like pretty things!
Again a pretty Apron, reminds me of what Grannie use to wear. I liked the Blue - often flowery
/Rosy prints are all pink in colour.
This is quite Retro - a bit different, I have had this for a while, but I have that many I have to let some go every now and again!