He's arrived at last! Safe and sound! And suitably unimpressed with the rest of us!
Hubby P and I ventured off our little Island and headed to the big city (well not really a city - but it seems big, noisy and fast to us country bumpkins!) to see our grandson - and what a little smasher!
What is it about babies? who can resist a cuddle!
Hubby P got a bit of a smile - or was it a yawn. Otherwise he took us all in his tiny stride, was happy to be handed around and cuddled.
He is our our first Grandson, we have two Granddaughters so a little boy is always nice to balance things out, one can get a bit tired of forever pink and glittery!
We just spent the day with them - you know how it is, everyone wants to meet the new arrival, constant visitors, it can be so tiring for baby and mum. Hubby P too needed a good 24hrs to get over the hectic emotional day! Not that he's at all a softie, of course!!*
We had only been away for a day (a day with lots of rain I might add) and the garden was positively zinging with colour!
So fresh and lush with all the rain.
Unfortunately the shallots have gone to seed, but don't they look nice with their little bulbous tops, I think I will just leave them to add interest to the garden.
On the crafting front, not a lot. We seem to have been so busy, last week was a very sad week, we lost a good friend, and had the Funeral and all that entails - so sad, Helen left three daughters and young grandchildren.
On a lighter note - we had a lovely visit from Twiggy (Twiggypeasticks - see side bar) and family, they were on holiday here on Anglesey. I think they had a nice time - the weather was fabulous - lots of playing in the sea I believe.
And of course the new baby!
I did however finish the bodyform/dressmakers dummy thing-y, do you remember I was covering it in papier mach'e. Well I finished with a top layer of old vintage music. I am quite pleased with her - just need to 'dress' her now - find some nice vintage-y bits and bobs!
Bunny watch!
All doing well, the little ones are starting to nibble at food I put in for mum. I try and give them a little something different most days. They enjoy fresh herbs from the garden, not too keen on boring old white cabbage!
Mum seems to getting a bit bored with them now!

One or two carboot-y bits ( I took Hubby P on Sunday, to unwind from the hectic day we had on Saturday - visiting the big city!)
A couple more bits of the Better Maid ware that I collect. The little white and red watering can is also Better maid, although it looks nothing like the other pieces I have! Still, its pretty and I like it!

I just loved this little tin - nothing in it yet, but I'm sure it will lend itself to holding some nice pretty buttons or something. Please excuse the sticky label mark and whatnot, I haven't got around to giving it a was yet!
One or two carboot-y bits ( I took Hubby P on Sunday, to unwind from the hectic day we had on Saturday - visiting the big city!)
A couple more bits of the Better Maid ware that I collect. The little white and red watering can is also Better maid, although it looks nothing like the other pieces I have! Still, its pretty and I like it!
I just loved this little tin - nothing in it yet, but I'm sure it will lend itself to holding some nice pretty buttons or something. Please excuse the sticky label mark and whatnot, I haven't got around to giving it a was yet!
It just reminded me of the pretty butterflies that grace my garden during the summer - butterflies must be some of the most wonderful little beings we have in the garden - those and Faeries of course!