Hi !
Just thought I would have a ramble - fill you in with my hum drum doings!!
First of all an exciting Award from the lovely Twiggypeasticks! Thank You so much for sticking with me and reading 'everyday drivel' I come up with!

The rules which go with this are ;-
1 . I can put this rather sparkly Logo on my Blog.
2. Put a link/or mention (If you can't like me do the 'Link' thing yet!) the lovely person who
gave you the award.3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put a link to those Blogs on your Blog (Unless you need to learn that bit - like me!!)
5. Leave a message on their blog of your nomination.
So I would like to Nominate ! (all can be linked through my side bar)
Juicy Fig
The imagination of Ladysnail
View to The Hill
Lace Threads
Driftwood Shack
Fan My Flame
Take a little look, they are all so entertaining, a good way to while away the hour you are supposed to be ironing!
A lovely surprise in the post, from one of my trendy young things - that I like to call a friend! - goodness only knows what they see in a batty old thing like me, hiding away in my garden!
Just take a look at these delightful little birds - delightful little things created by Ladysnail - take a look at her blog and little Etsy shop (The Imagination Of Ladysnail - link through my side bar)
I just really love the batik type fabric, and the pretty colours.
This is Mr Chickeny chops, just check out his button wings!
Both are now happily ensconced amongst the other memory trivia which hangs above the table in the conservatory!
Just a couple of garden-y pictures, as you can see the flowers are trying their best - just getting bashed and battered by the rain!
The first of my Hollyhocks! - I've not had Hollyhocks in the garden for many a year so these are very welcome. I think I will try and save the seed, and get some more going - fill the garden, they are so cheery looking!

A Little Carbooty Find!
I found this on Tuesday - I thought it was so different! Some one has spent such a lot of time making it. I think it is made from some sort of hessian - maybe an old sack or something (during the war or times when fabric was hard to come by?) It is beautifully embroidered and in very good condition. Mind you now I have it I don't know what I will do with it! Just knew I had to 'save' it - how sad is that!

Waste Not Want Not - Home Economy!!
I know, I know - Christmas is ages off! -and you don't want reminding of it yet! BUT! I am being PREPARED - GIRDING MY LOINS!!! (I just love that phrase!)
No really, this 'industry' came about after a 'stern talking to' from one of our sons who said it was just 'not on' us (as parents) spending a fortune on presents for them (the children), as they are all 'grown ups' now and working - after all it should be just a token thing!
SO - taking them at their word, I am just going to fill a stocking for each of them - and send them to Santa of course!
I have always done them a stocking - they say that is the best bit of the Christmas present-y bit anyway, so this year no big pressys - it will be a challenge to find interesting bits and bobs of the stocking.

So here we have various stockings being made and re-vamped, ready for the - hopefully!- exciting fillings I can find!
More On The Home Front!
Because we live in such a small cottage, I don't have much storage space, and I really felt we needed a CRUNCH CUPBOARD! - this is a storage cupboard for storing extra supplies - tins and whatnot ( buy them when they are on offer/cheap ready for any unforeseen 'lean' times). Hubby P calls it my Crunch cupboard - short for Credit Crunch! When we were at war with Saddam Hussein some years ago I had/well we still call it the Saddam cupboard!
This new cupboard is only an old steel cabinet - not very smart really, but sound and clean, and it fits into the greenhouse - which is going to be the new shed - another blog post altogether!

Not a very exciting photo, but you get the idea!
A Little Carbooty Find!
I found this on Tuesday - I thought it was so different! Some one has spent such a lot of time making it. I think it is made from some sort of hessian - maybe an old sack or something (during the war or times when fabric was hard to come by?) It is beautifully embroidered and in very good condition. Mind you now I have it I don't know what I will do with it! Just knew I had to 'save' it - how sad is that!
Waste Not Want Not - Home Economy!!
I know, I know - Christmas is ages off! -and you don't want reminding of it yet! BUT! I am being PREPARED - GIRDING MY LOINS!!! (I just love that phrase!)
No really, this 'industry' came about after a 'stern talking to' from one of our sons who said it was just 'not on' us (as parents) spending a fortune on presents for them (the children), as they are all 'grown ups' now and working - after all it should be just a token thing!
SO - taking them at their word, I am just going to fill a stocking for each of them - and send them to Santa of course!
I have always done them a stocking - they say that is the best bit of the Christmas present-y bit anyway, so this year no big pressys - it will be a challenge to find interesting bits and bobs of the stocking.
So here we have various stockings being made and re-vamped, ready for the - hopefully!- exciting fillings I can find!
More On The Home Front!
Because we live in such a small cottage, I don't have much storage space, and I really felt we needed a CRUNCH CUPBOARD! - this is a storage cupboard for storing extra supplies - tins and whatnot ( buy them when they are on offer/cheap ready for any unforeseen 'lean' times). Hubby P calls it my Crunch cupboard - short for Credit Crunch! When we were at war with Saddam Hussein some years ago I had/well we still call it the Saddam cupboard!
This new cupboard is only an old steel cabinet - not very smart really, but sound and clean, and it fits into the greenhouse - which is going to be the new shed - another blog post altogether!
Not a very exciting photo, but you get the idea!
A New Fence!
Again - make do and mend! Hubby P has made these fence panels from old pallets - they look great don't they!
We have a bit of a problem with two aspiring young footballers next door - whose aim for the goal is still a bit dodgy, so the balls end up in our garden - squashing the veg plants! Hopefully this fence will help save the plants a bit. I have tied up my very prickly old climbing rose this should stop little people wanting to climb the fence! As you can see we still have another panel to make, lets hope its not raining this weekend!
Hope you all have a good weekend
Ta Ta for now xxxx