The sun is shining and its a joy to be out in the garden! This little flower greeted me today, I must say I think it is one of the most precious flowers I have in my little piece of earth!
The photo is not terribly good, but what I am trying to show you is this little 'Lady Smock' flower. I have only this one small clump in an old belfast sink water garden, I treasure it - for the memories it brings each spring.
When I was a girl, growing up in Lancashire, this flower grew in great swathes in the damp springing turf of the moorland. We gathered it in great handfuls as we ran wild - no worries then of being abducted or lost. No matter where we 'adventured' someone , usually some farmer (someones Dad) had seen us, we grew up safe and strong. The flowers of my younger days hold strong fond memories for me. I believe this Lady Smock is now an endangered species, such a shame, so dainty and pretty!
I managed to get the 'Primitive' style bags finished, I really enjoyed having a go at something different. I just hope the lady at the shop ( Lynne at Patchwork Island) likes them. One features a Sheep design, and one a Willow Tree, these are designs familiar to an area in the U States, Pennsylvania I think. They are given the descriptive name of 'Primitive'.
I made a couple of little (with no padding) bags - possibly little gift bags or similar. They were just run up from bits and pieces of fabric that I had left over. No doubt they will find a use/home somewhere!

Just a little pic of the vegetable beds, I think it looks so pretty with the big/tall spires of yellow flowers - its the 'pac choi' gone to flower - and I suppose seed is on its way! Not I suppose very correct - gardening wise! But it looks pretty and we are still eating the leaves.
Not to be out done by Lucy Locket - she has been posting pics of her Allotment soil - Very sexy soil, but soil all the same - so here is some of mine!!
Admittedly its in tubs, but hopefully it will grow wonderful vegetables in the tubs - potatoes, peas, broad beans and lots of other goodies!

Ooops got the photos and text
a bit mixed up - but you get the gist of it!

Ta Ta for now xx
Just a little pic of the vegetable beds, I think it looks so pretty with the big/tall spires of yellow flowers - its the 'pac choi' gone to flower - and I suppose seed is on its way! Not I suppose very correct - gardening wise! But it looks pretty and we are still eating the leaves.
Not to be out done by Lucy Locket - she has been posting pics of her Allotment soil - Very sexy soil, but soil all the same - so here is some of mine!!
Admittedly its in tubs, but hopefully it will grow wonderful vegetables in the tubs - potatoes, peas, broad beans and lots of other goodies!
Ooops got the photos and text
a bit mixed up - but you get the gist of it!
Ta Ta for now xx