Yes! Fortune smiled on us this week! How lucky are we!
Not a fortune (although that would have been nice) but almost enough to cover the cost of the van we had to buy last week. I just couldn't believe our luck - we never win anything!
Just wish it was enough to share with everyone.
But still back to thee jobs in hand - this week I started having a good old clear out of my Mothers Attic/loft thingy. We lost Mum in 2004, and its only now I feel I can sort things out.
Years ago when we were moving and whatnot, lots of boxes and oddments were pushed up in the loft out of sight - and I am sure they have been breeding!
I've found all sorts!
Just look at this cuteness! - its a photo of my Boys, I think we were on our way to a Playgroup fancy dress party. This has got to be out on display now, much to the growls from the 'Much Bigger Boys' now!
And I found this!
I vaguely remember Mum saying someone had given her a spinning wheel, she used it for some WI display or something when she lived in Yorkshire.
Anyone know anything about spinning wheels? I think its the real thing - it seems to work properly. I think its made of oak or beech - a heavy wood anyway!!
I thought I might re-home it through Ebay - I shall never use it, and I have nowhere to properly display it - imagine how much dust it will attract!!
Attics are amazing places - they hold the whole History of families in them, simply because we are too lazy to sort though and throw away things, or put things away for later - then promptly forget all about them!
On the crafting front - not a great deal really.
I found these two little denim skirts at a car boot sale, the smaller one is tiny and so cute!
Not great photos - sorry!
As you can see I have started decorating them (well I have the bigger one) with felt flowers, lace, beads and embroidery. I shall make them into bags - put a carry strap on and line them, and perhaps a zip to fasten. The larger one will be ideal - I need a bigger one to cart around all the necessary - notebook, tape measure, glasses, spare bags and the usual when I go to the Car Boot Sales!

I like a nice bright funky bag!
I had an urge! - not always a good thing I know, but this was a harmless urge - and it didn't cost me anything. One Christmas my lovely sister bought me a whole set of inks! what a delight! Every now and then they come out of the cupboard, and I have a play! Not that I am any good at pen and ink drawing, but I love to mess, and to be honest I can do a mean picture (for Birthday Cards and whatnot) by tracing the outline of something pretty.
The thing is its addictive and I want to sit and draw and do little else!

And its Credit Crunch things like this, that I should be getting on with!

I always make a big batch of this Marmalade - its so easy and I have found, if I pour a good dollop of whisky in the pan just as its about done, it makes it all the more yummy!
I like a nice bright funky bag!
I had an urge! - not always a good thing I know, but this was a harmless urge - and it didn't cost me anything. One Christmas my lovely sister bought me a whole set of inks! what a delight! Every now and then they come out of the cupboard, and I have a play! Not that I am any good at pen and ink drawing, but I love to mess, and to be honest I can do a mean picture (for Birthday Cards and whatnot) by tracing the outline of something pretty.
The thing is its addictive and I want to sit and draw and do little else!
And its Credit Crunch things like this, that I should be getting on with!
I always make a big batch of this Marmalade - its so easy and I have found, if I pour a good dollop of whisky in the pan just as its about done, it makes it all the more yummy!
When Mum died she left behind Robert, her husband of just 2 years, they had met and married late in life, and didn't have very long together. We still see much of Robert and look after each other. We share the Marmalade it keeps him supplied over the winter, he saves me the jars and I 'fill um up'!
Lets hope we can afford butter as well as marmalade this winter, I went shopping last night, and it seemed prices had gone up again!
And on that miserable note I will bid you Bye for now!
Thank you to all those who have given me Awards and Tagged me. I will get around to doing something about them soon - promise. It so nice you are thinking of me!