I think its becoming a problem!!
There are such wonderful, inspiring things in the Etsy shops - I just want to buy them all!
Just look at this Hat - well its not just 'a hat' is it - its a marvelous summery feminine creation! and guess what - you can have one especially made for you - how cool is that!
I was simply looking - honest! for something 'simple' to keep the sun off me, I have decided to take a stand and not buy any cheap rubbish mass produced imports.
So Etsy is ideal - small home produced goods made with care. Anyway - saw this - fell in love! - Simple!
AND - its on its way - all the way from America - how exciting is that!
You simply must have a look at Anna's Blog and Etsy shop - hatjunkie.blogspot.com/
Etsy - annashoub.etsy.com
And such a lovely surprise today - a beautiful ring of vintage beads arrived (via Etsy) from Blissed Out. Its so gorgeous - I shall try and get a photo to show you - I haven't shown this to Hubby yet - does that mean I might - sub consciously have a bit of a guilty problem? After all its not that I NEED another ring - beautiful though it is!
SUMMER TIME IS HERE! its official -
I have put my light floaty summery curtains up!
The heavy green velvet curtains that have kept us warm all winter have been washed and put away, welcome to the sunshine!
The sunshine has brought out this little Welsh Poppy, surprisingly (to say we are in Wales ), I struggle to grow these, I just have this one little clump.
Our little cottage - disappearing behind the lush growth of the garden!
Richard (son) has been giving the cottage a freshen up with the paint, its looking Blue-er than ever - but very smart!
Just a couple of views up and down the little lane ( as you step out of our gate) -
as you can see its lovely and lush at the moment .
Don't look at the bin!

This is Hubby P's obsession - the love of his life! Yes - he's a Morris Man.
Its good fun rattling around the country lanes in her, although shes a bit poorly at the moment, she needs some jobs done, and a 'makeover' (paint job)