That's another week over - are you ready for the weekend?
Lets hope there's not too much snow!
Just thought I would share a little of my doings - everyday stuff really, but that's my world - kinda 'everyday' - gentle and simplistic!
Here's Uncas - just wanting to be in on the act!
Well today saw the end of a long and productive relationship - our trusty log basket has had its day, as you can see the bottom is full of holes! We have managed for long enough by lining the bottom with newspaper, but its got past that now.
I have been looking for a replacement for a few weeks, the only suitable one I saw was £10 - and I wasn't paying so much!
But you know what they say 'Everything comes to She who waits'. I was bemoaning the state of the basket to a friend, and the fact that my carpet is showered with sawdust and little bits of wood whenever the basket if filled and carried through the house. Well it just so happened they had one that was standing unused in their shed - and we could have it with pleasure.
So meet the new big sturdy woodbasket!
So what to do with the old basket - its outlived its working life, but I think it is still has a worn and faded beauty, the wood has mellowed to a nice gentle colour.
It would look at home in the garden - but of course wouldn't hold soil, so I 'planted' it in one of the beds - there it can live its last days fading into the ground from whence it once grew. In these last days it can give life to some pretty flowers and homes and shelter to the little creatures living amongst the plants.
I dug and planted it in the soil and filled it with some compost from the heap. I had some packets of bulbs that I had not planted last autumn - so I pushed them into the compost - they can take their chances, hopefully we will get some blooms. They were packs of Alliums and er um - something else. Perhaps this weekend I can find some inexpensive primulas or something, to add to the basket.
You can see here the bulbs were beginning to sprout!
Can you see the big sea washed tree branch the boys brought home from the beach - that was early December time, and I have just found a home for it. It looks well with the basket - looks a bit like a woodland garden. Look a lot better of course when everything starts growing!
The days have been quite sunny and bright but a touch too cold to do much outside, so I thought I would have a bit of a freshen up - bit of fresh paint in the kitchen and some new curtains for the cupboards.
I bought this fabric ages ago, I had forgotten all about it, so it was a nice surprise when I went rummaging through my fabric stash - ideal for a couple of curtains.

I know the tins look a bit daft with sticky labels on them, but believe me in this house of Men everything has to be labelled - Hubby P has lived with me all this time - plasters (first aid stuff) have lived in the same tin all this time - but still he doesn't know where they are. I know - I know - being a man his mind is on higher things!!
I know the tins look a bit daft with sticky labels on them, but believe me in this house of Men everything has to be labelled - Hubby P has lived with me all this time - plasters (first aid stuff) have lived in the same tin all this time - but still he doesn't know where they are. I know - I know - being a man his mind is on higher things!!
Its just a good job 'someone' has thought to put stickers on tins for when he cuts himself doing the jobs of his higher mind! lol!!

Do you like the little plaque - my Mum gave it to me years ago when my boys were young - and I was particularly frazzled with them.
Do you like the little plaque - my Mum gave it to me years ago when my boys were young - and I was particularly frazzled with them.
It says 'Children Need Love Especially When They Don't Deserve It!'
And its so true.
And its so true.
I 'ran up' as they say, a couple of teatowels with the fabric that was left over from the curtains, I perhaps would never have chosen brown - but it works quite well. Still got some way to go with the painting and whatnot, but getting there slowly.
Its all got to be done before the sun comes - then I can play in my garden!
Have a nice weekend!