Hi, hope you all had a good weekend!
My hands are not too good today (I have a problem with numbness, just something I have to live with!) so - lots of pics, but not too hot on the typing I am afraid - see how I go on. If its short and sweet you know why - its not that I don't love you any more!
First things first - Saturday morning a Lovely little gift from Twiggypeasticks! so unexpected and exciting - even a special little bookmark created by Twiglet!
So very kind! Lots of goodies from Twiggy - just the right colour for my 'Primitive' type crafts. Thank You so much Twiggy!
As you can see the bookmark is in good use with the present Bedtime reading. Something Hubby P found for me in the Charity shop (he does all his shopping there!). The Author is American and I think this version was altered slightly for the English market, first published in 1963! Entertaining and an insight into attitudes of 'keeping Hubby happy' (a good laugh!)and society in general.

Just thought the fresh yellow of these Marsh Marigolds were nice and cheery in this miserable rain!
At least the fish don't mind the rain!

This is probably why my hands are not so hot! Too much gardening - even in the drizzle!
Following on from the theme of rising food prices, and me banging on about how we should grow as much of our own veg as possible - Hubby P just happened to mention we could grow salad-y things in window boxes! Well! - not a girl to let the grass grow under her feet - I had to have them - like now!! And I knew he had some ideal wood (salvaged from some old pallets) in the shed, so rain or not we set to.
As you can see we (well - I did a lot of holding screws and pointing! -site supervisor!) managed to make 3 window boxes out of the wood we had. I stained them, Hubby P put them up, and I filled them with compost and sowed them with mixed Salad Leaves, Spring Onions, Rocket, baby Carrots and a few nasturtiums.

We just need a bit of sun now - I am hoping they grow well in the black boxes (they should hold the heat) - it will be a bit like a self serve salad bar!!
Its amazing what Hubby P has made from odds and sods of recycled wood over the years, we started off as a couple with 4 ready made children and no money! Needs must then, but now its become a way of life and apparently very 'Green' - about the only thing I am in fashion with!!

I managed to put up a wigwam of sticks and get my Runner Beans in - we always seem to do well with beans - at the end of summer I begin to think I never want to see another bean! I pickled some last year - they were nice for a change with salad.
Bit of Crafting news!
Here are some little padded Hearts made from the scraps of fabric leftover from the 'Primitive' Bags. I think they look quite pretty - a change from the usual floral fabric I would perhaps use for this sort of thing.
This on has a hand embroidered Willow Tree - I quite like the Tree effect.

And a couple more!
I think I will try them on Etsy, it will be nice to find a new home for them!

Ta Ta for now!
N.B. just a word about the Bramble Port - I forgot to mention in the last Post - dont wash the Blackberries! You can pick them over removing any stalks and other undesirables - but you need the natural fruit yeasts to ferment the Port.