Well Hello there folks!
What a wet,wet, wet week - I think we've been almost washed away! And yet again this morning I woke to the sound of yet more of the wet stuff. Hubby P - Bless him, brought me my cup of tea in bed and said 'If I were you I would stop there - its awful wet again!'
For two pins I could have taken him at his word, and hidden under the duvet all day!
But - much to do, and first things first - a big pan of soup to make. I live on the stuff when its cold and wet, its so warming, and I like to make it colourful - cheery!
So its a bit of - its raining - make soup!
Time is marching on - I can no longer pretend Christmas is ages away. We have the boys coming at the weekend, so all Father Christmas's things will have to be wrapped so they can be sent to F Christmas. All the little ones are getting excited!
I saw some cute little trees at the car boot sale, I will only have a tree if they are rooted and small enough to go in a pot. Then I keep them for couple of years bringing them in for Christmas, until they are too big for the pot (then they go in the garden), and I start again looking for a baby tree! Mind you the last couple of years we haven't had a tree - well not in the conventional sense, I think last year I decorated our little bay tree.
Its quite a little cutie -the tree. Just waiting for the rain to stop then I can hunt out a big enough pot and plant it up!
All this cold weather and the chickens are feeling it, its about this time of year that I start doing hot mash for them, I like to think it helps keep them warm and well nourished.
I have an old pan for the job, and each day I boil up all the potato and veg peelings
and any old scraps, when they are cooked through I drain them and give it a mash up adding any old bits of bread, a few oats maybe, old cereal -anything really, to dry it off a bit and make it a bit more interesting. I have found they like rice and noodles, and bits of fruit - apple cores and the like.
and any old scraps, when they are cooked through I drain them and give it a mash up adding any old bits of bread, a few oats maybe, old cereal -anything really, to dry it off a bit and make it a bit more interesting. I have found they like rice and noodles, and bits of fruit - apple cores and the like.
I give it to them whilst its warm, and they tuck in! Billy the rabbit is always first at the dish - he likes a bit of mash!
Speaking of the rabbits, we bought two new ones at the weekend.

This is Smokey - Smokey Robinson

And this is Whitney! She's a bit shy at the moment!

Of course you know Dusty - she's doing really well - a happy little soul!
We decided to get some more rabbits because - well I enjoy looking after them, and talking to the Pet Shop man the other day, he said he would be happy to take any babies (he cant find any locally to sell) - so I thought it might be a nice hobby, rearing little families of bunnies for people to have as pets. I think it is important that children get the opportunity to get close to animals, to learn to care for them, be sensitive to their needs and responsible for their pet.
This is Smokey - Smokey Robinson
And this is Whitney! She's a bit shy at the moment!
Of course you know Dusty - she's doing really well - a happy little soul!
We decided to get some more rabbits because - well I enjoy looking after them, and talking to the Pet Shop man the other day, he said he would be happy to take any babies (he cant find any locally to sell) - so I thought it might be a nice hobby, rearing little families of bunnies for people to have as pets. I think it is important that children get the opportunity to get close to animals, to learn to care for them, be sensitive to their needs and responsible for their pet.
I know having pets was a big part of my childhood, and still I like to share my life with a rabble of odd ball chickens, rabbits, dogs, and one very superior cat!
Not a lot on the Treasure Hunting front. Car boot sales are full of glitzy Christmas stuff!
I did find a few bits, these were thrown in a pile of what I think was old theatre costumes. The lady stall holder sells wonderful Vintage things, usually a bit too expensive for me. I think she was having a bit of a sort out,and heaped all the costumes and whatnot in a corner - the sign said 'All £2' - so I just had to have a rummage!
As you can see I found a wonderful vintage ermine collar - now I know its very Un -PC to wear fur these days, but back in the day this would have looked just fabulous!
I will display it on one of my mannequins - in the bedroom where it won't upset any visiting vegetarians or whatever! lol!
I will display it on one of my mannequins - in the bedroom where it won't upset any visiting vegetarians or whatever! lol!
I think the Spats are a fairly modern day version, they are made of a soft stretchy fabric - they are something I will wear, and of course the pink scarf - is just so very me!
Much excitement in the Allsorts Household - not only have we just had three family birthdays in the past week, which entailed much dining out and general jolliness.
Much excitement in the Allsorts Household - not only have we just had three family birthdays in the past week, which entailed much dining out and general jolliness.
But the Master of the House (well he can be this week!) - Hubby P has a major Birthday this Thursday - Yes its the big Five O for him!
Not that he wants any fuss, and when asked, NO! - he does not feel - THAT OLD!
Its just the creaky knees, sore arthriticky shoulder, failing eyesight, bad back and generally expanding waistline that give the game away!
Its just the creaky knees, sore arthriticky shoulder, failing eyesight, bad back and generally expanding waistline that give the game away!
But we still love him! Boys are coming over at the weekend ( they live away and all have those inconvenient things like jobs and work during the week!) - so we will have a little merriment on Saturday. Families are just the best thing! don't you agree!!
That all for now folks! xx take care! xx keep warm! xx