Look what greeted me this morning!
Pretty, pretty snowdrops!
Last Autumn I had lots of unidentifiable loose bulbs, that I had dug up whilst moving plants around, and generally messing around with the planting.
So I potted them all up, in various spare pots, and stood them down by the side of the shed. All the little shoots are showing now, soon I will move the pots to the side of the path and around the door. Some nice fresh Spring flowers to brighten our days!
I do so love, snowdrops. My bridesmaids carried them, and I had snowdrops on my Wedding dress fabric - this was the first time around, when I had the whole shee-bang! Big white Wedding an all, sadly it didn't last, but I have two wonderful boys from the marriage, and sad as it was, I still think kindly of my ex-husband!
As you all know, I now have the wonderful/solid as a rock/too good to me to be true - Hubby P.
We get on great - so all turned out well in the end, and now I have 4 sons!
Think I am all maudlin because its around this time I was first married and snowdrops, well they just remind me!
Back to jollier things!!!!
Look what we have - some new little souls to join the Allsorts Household!
Not all got names yet, although the white one with back eyes is called Dusty (Dusty Springfield!), we will watch and their names will come to us!
These little pictures I found in the Charity shop on Saturday, the weather was so bad, all we did was have a mooch around the Charity shops. I do hope we have an early Spring!
I like their sweet innocence!
A Chicken for Gary - hope you are feeling better! Lots a love xxx
Got to go - steak for Tea (Yellow label, from the reduced shelf at Somerfields!!!)
Ta ta for now xx