No sooner had I hinted on the last post that maybe we could do with some 'new blood' amongst our 'raggle tag' of chickens, than Hubby P suggested we went to 'go see' if the Feed Merchant has any for sale.
And look what we came home with!
Apparently, or so Barry - the Feed Merchant says, there is a real shortage of chickens across the country - must be the 'Green' effect, all this Hugh Fernley Ate-it-all, Jamie and whatnot! -Everyone wants chickens!
Barry usually has a few breeds to choose from, but at the moment all he could get hold of were fairly ordinary Warrens - but I don't mind - we can't all be gorgeously glamorous! the world would be a dull place!
They are fitting in quite nicely - its always a bit hard to watch them being bullied at first, by the older Matrons of the flock, but eventually they all settle down together.
And look what they produced on the second day!
How clever is that - laying their little legs off straight away!
And how's Your garden growing? I found this heart warming sight this morning!
Pretty little daffs pushing their way through the cold dark earth - surely Spring must be on its way!
I must pull them this week and perhaps make some nice warming soup! Although its nice and mild here today - a bit damp but nice. Its so mild I am sat with the windows and door open - no fire lit yet, thought I would air the house - get some nice fresh air in!
Yesterday I spent potting on this years leeks - can you see them? Just like tiny wisps of grass - isn't nature wonderful - to think this Autumn they will be nice fat juicy leeks all ready for a nice cheese sauce!
As you can see there are also tomatoes and peppers there too. I have tried to get an early start with them - just hope they do ok.
Having a wander outside I see the few little cloves of garlic I just pushed into the soil have done really well.
I have put some shallots in the other half of the tin bath, but no signs of life there yet.

Just getting back into crochet - so the little squares - made from scraps of wool , I have put together to make a nice warm blanket for our bed.
Not a great deal of crafting being done - I am trying to do some decorating, as and when my arms are up to it - its a slow process!
I have been doing a bit of crochet at night, watching the TV or listening to our gramophone - Hubby P is gathering together a great collection of old vinyl. Last night we listened to 'That'll Be The Day' lots of great Rock'n Roll! -Everly Brothers, Little Richard, The Platters,Billy Fury etc. Hubby P had a nostalgic evening, regaling me of tales of the days when he was a Teddy Boy!
Just getting back into crochet - so the little squares - made from scraps of wool , I have put together to make a nice warm blanket for our bed.
Its very colourful - I am using all the tiny bits of wool, the one's that we keep - too much to throw away, but really not enough to make anything! So Thrift, Thrift!!!
I embroidered and made the knitting bag when I was expecting my eldest - I spent some time in hospital - I remember sitting in the hospital bed sewing away, kept the boredom at bay! I gave the completed bag to my Mum as a Christmas present, Mum is no longer with us, so its back with me. Isn't it funny how everyday utility items can have a story all of their own!
Bye for now! xxxxx
Bye for now! xxxxx