Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Thrifty Snippet's Pillow Cases!

What a nice day sunshiny day we enjoyed today - just look at that blue sky!
Yes it was cold - but the sun was shining _ just makes you feel so much better!
And I even put some washing on the line to dry - first time this year. Of course it didn't dry completely, but enough to get it to that ideal ironing dampness - you know what I mean.
A few of you seem to enjoy the 'Thrifty Snippet's - bits and bobs of Grannies wisdom handed down and money saving ideas picked up here and there.
So here's another idea - on Tuesday at the carboot sale I found this rather pretty flannelet sheet, all pink with delightful little rosebuds strewn across it. It cost pennies, so I brought it home.
Now what to do with it - it was a single bed size, so no good for the bed, and I don't think Hubby P would care too much for rosebuds - mind you he is so tired at the moment, I doubt that he would notice what colour the sheets are on the bed! Still I liked it so I thought I would make some pillowcases for me to use.

I remember years ago when I was expecting my babies, I was given some old flannel sheets and taught how to turn them into cot sheets. Using the sides of the sheet (the bits that get tucked under the mattress - and thus don't get much wear) cut cot sheet sized pieces and hem - simple.
Any little pieces left over that were in good order (its the middle of the sheet that gets the wear and gets a bit thin) were turned into tea towels or simply kept for cleaning. Nothing was wasted.

So for pillow cases - cutting from the edge of the sheet - using a pillow case as a pattern, I cut two pillow case size pieces, allowing for hems etc.

I had a look in my lace stash for a bit of fancy!
I always unpick any lacy bits from garments, or linen before it hits the rag bag, a Girl never knows when she might need a bit of lace!
When I am Treasure hunting the carboot sales or Charity shops and I see a bit of damaged linen, if its got a nice bit of lace attached, I will bring it home (and usually its cheap because its damaged!) - I unpick the lace and ragbag the rest.
So always a good stash of lacy bits and trim!

I simply ran them up on the sewing machine - easy enough to do, even if you are a novice sewer - just look at an existing pillowcase, its just a big bag.
I prettied them up with the lace and a bit of ribbon, and of course I had to add a couple of sweet little buttons!

So that was this afternoons bit of sewing - two nice soft, pretty pillow cases for a few pennies.
So enough of me! what are all you lot doing on the Thrifty front? I hope you are all 'pulling your weight' and 'doing your bit' ! lol!
xxx Take care for now xxx


  1. Gorgeous pillowcases, well done you!
    Hen x

  2. lovely pillowcases, I've been making pillowcases out of worn sheets for years then all I have to replace is one sheet and save money by not having to buy a full bed set.
    Thrifty - I made my second braided rug last month with fabric that was left over from making my mum's rag quilt for xmas. also I'm still making Morsbags
    Josie x

  3. I have a big stash of old lace and a few sheets that are too flowery but I am running out of pillowcases for some reason and I'm down to one pair that actually match. I've only got one case for my boomerang pillow thats a horrible beige colour, it should be easy enough to make a pattern for that. My old cotton sheets have been turned so many times that they have now been relegated to the dust sheet pile for when I decorate again.

  4. Wonderful sky, delightful pillow slips.
    (We are under two feet of snow.)

  5. How nice to see blue skies, lovely pillowcases :)

  6. Lovely, I'm decluttering at the moment and have got a pile of lovely cotton cot sheets that I'm going to use for pillows. They are sooooo soft.
    twiggy x

  7. When I was at school (manay moons ago) I used to make pillow cases and my Aunt used to sell them for me at the factory where she worked. Think I still have some of the lace edging I used to put on them stashed away in
    the loft. I can't bear to throw anything away!

  8. Those are lovely pillowcases - and I have just used an old charity shop pillowcase to make an apron!

    Pomona x

  9. Hi!

    those p/c are so pretty and ingenious of you........
    i wish you were my neighbor!

    oh, and the clothesline,

  10. Very sweet. Table napkins could be nice too.


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