Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Geoffrey Update and Pink Treasure!

Just another pic of Geoffrey, I think he is becoming more aware of Hubby P hovering with the camera - he must feel like a Celebrity being 'Papped' !!
Thrifty Snippets!!
Hubby P came home with this yesterday - Pink Treasure!
It came into work - used as packing for something or other, now as you know he is super well trained in spotting potential wrapping paper, fabric, or other crafty stuff. So he snaffled it before it could be put in the paper recycling skip.
Its lovely stuff - he did tell me it was pink tissue paper - and I was mightily excited, but it turns out it is heavier stuff - good wrapping paper weight. I know its so very sad' that these are the things that fill my mind!!???* - but well - you know !!!!
So there was a box full - and a handy box!

Good clean stuff - I simple roughly straighted it, and ran the iron over it - I did have the ironing board up - I have done a basket of ironing - some housework, not totally 'messed about' all day!

I found an old cardboard tube (from the tinfoil) and wound it/rolled it around the tube to keep it good and uncreased.

It was in good long lengths.
I fished out some basic stamps from my craft boxes, and the one stamp pad that I had left, and had a bit of a play.

Quite effective I thought in a rough and ready, hippy dippy way. Be nice used as wrapping paper with a nice rustic ribbon.
I wanted to see how the paper took the ink - just fine. I want to try it with some of my more intricate wooden printing block, I think they are usually used for batik work, but I've just printed with them using water based poster paint - its all I had, and it looked great. I like things to look simple, rustic - honest handmade-y stuff!
And I am sure its better living on as pretty wrapping than being thrown in the recycling!
xx Take Care xx


  1. clever you~the paper looks great...more than great.

    and i love these little peeps into geoffrey's life too :)

  2. Well a mouse is much more cute at your bird table, than a rat, as we had last year, still makes me feel all cootie.

    The stamped paper is fab. I like to stamp my own wrapping paper and I've got those stamps too. Did you get them free with the magazine Inspirations years ago?

  3. That is very pretty paper. Great mousey snap :)
    Twiggy x

  4. Goefrey's quite the celebrity

    Hi jak, yes I think the stamps came from the magazine, although I picked a bagful of them up from the carboot!They have 'Inspirations'written on the back.

    Vicky x

  5. Beautiful. Would love a caftan made from all those.
    Love your cute little mouse.

  6. brilliant! the paper look fantastic.

    I save paper bags - for no apparant reason! I never use the damn things again and throw them in the recycle bin when I get fed up with them all falling out of the draw!

  7. Geoffrey is a cutie, i love field mice. the pink tissue paper is so clever, very thrifty!

  8. well that is so neat, well done on being creative.

    Gill in Canada

  9. Thanks so much for leaving the kind comment on my blog. I was literally falling asleep at the keyboard last night so I didn't even manage a heading for my post until this morning!

    I don't think it's sad at all to be so "wrapped" up in a surprise box of pink paper. I was the same way at work when I found some pretty pink bubble wrap lying about. I grabbed it before anyone else spotted it! And look what you've done with your windfall, the prints look terrific!


  10. Blimey there are two awards for you on my blog - lucky girl
    twiggy x


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