Saturday, 9 January 2010

Car Boot Treasure Hunting, And Thrifty Firewood!

I saw this today, and thought of you!
I thought it was so pretty. Can you see all the pretty, frilly, fronds of fungi clinging to the end of this log?
The log is one of a heap of - usually the 'too knotted to saw into logs easily' variety, which we pile up in quiet corners of the garden to give a home to all the little creatures who live with us. We get a lot of toads and mice, and the odd hedgehog.
It makes a nice picture with its blanket of snow!
We ventured out today, to the indoor carboot sale. Gosh it was freezing in there. I was cold and I was wrapped up like Nanook of the North! These stall holders must be made of sterner stuff than me!
A few bits and pieces - keeping in mind I'm trying to be thrifty!
I found a good big Tupperware container for my porridge oats - remember I said I was hoping to get a bulk order from Suma, so I will be needing large containers to hold the dry goods. So this was a bargin at 40p!
I could'nt resist the little serving dishes, Alfred Meakin - now thats a good sturdy, trustworthy, old fashioned sort of name! I know its sad but that sort of thing appeals to me! A steal at 40p each! I do like to have a sort of mix of shapes sizes and colours on the table - I like to mix it on up - as they say!

And do you see it - did you notice? Another - another gloroius HAT! Just the thing for sitting in the garden amongst the pretty, pretty flowers! It was just so 'country living' how could I give it a miss! And for 40p too!
I got a handfull of Birthday cards 10p each - can't go wrong there - they are so expensive in the shops. I do make a lot of my own cards, but sometimes time is against you, and to be honest, sometimes the person you are sending it to, is perhaps not into crafty, handmade things, and does not fully appreciate all the time and effort and creative love you put into your mini works of art. So perhaps a shop bought card is just as happily recieved, and you can spend more creatve time on more fulfilling projects.

One thing I do love is a nice Vintage card, they do seem to be more flowery, big blowsy flowers, syrupy verses, and perhaps a bit more romantic!

I found an unopened pack of these today, a delight to the eye. It will not surprise you to know I have a little collection of Vintage cards, so this little handfull will join them - I couldn't possibly use them - unless you were someone really special - that fully appreciated Vintage cards!
Actually there were two packs - so I thought I might try and sell one pack on ebay - then in a super thrifty way the money I get for the one pack will pay for the ones in my collection! - thats if I manage to sell them!
The Christmassy fabric is a table runner and cloth someone has run up, I will give it bit of a wash and put it away for next Christmas - use the fabric for some nice Chrismassy projects. Again only 40p - the one stall everything was 40p each! My kinda stall!

This afternoon saw us - well Hubby P, sawing up wooden pallets for the fire.
Hubbp P gathers them together during the week - the lorry drivers who come to his workplace are very good, and save them for him. Then he has a sawing session at the weekend.

Here he is electric saw in hand! Super thrifty wood, and it burns really well!

My job is to chop all the thin plank-y (technical word!) wood into sicks with my trusty blunt axe (not so sharp - they worry about me chopping off my fingers - they know me of old!!).
We use these sticks to light the fire, and they do a fine job.
Even if I must say so myself - I am very good at this little job - never let it be said this Girl will be without a stick to light her fire and keep her tootsies warm!
xx Keep cosy xx


  1. What a good haul from the indoor carboot, I love a bargain too!
    We get off cuts of wood from the local timber merchant to keep the woodburner fed, very cosy in this weather.

  2. Very pretty ,we've got a frilly tree trunk at the end of our garden. I love the cards they are so 70s my Auntie Margaret used to send me birthday cards like that when I was little.
    Twiggy x

  3. Some great finds - I haven't been brave enough to set foot in another indoor car boot since the first - way back in October/November I think it was. Certainly need to be made of stern stuff to do one in this weather. Love the blocks of wood for the wild life.

    The briiing, briing, is great isn't it?!

  4. The hat is great.
    Looks like one Princess Mary of Denmark would wear.

  5. Well! if its good enough for Princess Mary - its good enough for me! lol!
    Just need abit of sun now!

  6. Love the Meakin dishes especially the one rimmed in Robin's egg blue.
    I'll know who to call when we begin to chop the wood for the woodstove next season (3 to 4 cord), your handy little axe would be welcome.


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