Wednesday, 6 January 2010

'Cool and Trendy' Thrifty Snippet!

Just thought I would share this with you - Son number 1 - 23 yrs old going on 7yrs - thinks its Sooooo Cool!
The weather being so cold - well! what else can a girl do but sit and browse the web for interesting ideas to share!
This is what you need for the project!
Yes! I can see you are intrigued!!
I found this whilst browsing a Blog, its written by a family who have manage to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill to one small bin full for the whole year! Have a read - its a fascinating story.
Anyway - you know the mantra Reduce Reuse Recycle, well this is a way of Reusing those Tetra Pak boxes (fruit juice and whatnot) - because they are difficult to recycle, mostly they go to landfill, and well all know that is 'Bad'!
So - take your empty box - cut off the ends - wash and dry.

Fold the side in and crease.

Measure about a third of the way up, fold and crease.

I ran the but of the scissors along the creases, to help make a lasting crease.

Trim off the upper third (on side of box) to make a flap.

Staple the two middle pieces together, to make two pouches.

Trim the flap into a pleasing shape.

Put a hole in the flap and pass an elastic band through it, and loop the band as shown.

You now have a trendy little purse for holding cards and loose change!

Fasten the little purse by looping the elastic band around the whole.

Its not terribly big, but holds a cash /library card or whatnot, and a bit of change - just the thing for children's lunch/pocket money!
I thought it might be a nice activity to do with older children.
Give it a go - and help save the world!!!


  1. That is really clever!!
    I'm enjoying your ideas!

  2. Haha! Brilliant; I love that you've been inspired by our site - thank you so much! My daughter loves her tetra pak purse too - it's still going strong after a few months (it's lasted longer than some cheap plastic purses we've bought in shops!)


    Rae (mrs Green @


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